
Semi-bachelor month begins!

So, here I am on an early Friday after noon sitting on my bed and typing on blogspot. The weather outside is beautiful--blue skies, birds chirping, and I'm sure it's warm--and here I am typing. Today is the last real day of Spring Break as well. Why am I not outside, you ask; to tell the truth, I don't know. I woke up an hour ago and have just laid here thinking and relaxing. I think that's the real way to spend Spring Break (or at least a little of it). The few days before today have been most eventful, however.

My Spring Break technically started as soon as band was over Tuesday afternoon. To help my wife--which was a good excuse to spend time with the wife and son, I met up with her at Walmart (just across the street from school) and helped her grab things. After that, we went to AAA so that Yoshiko could get her international driver's license. Right next door to that is a used game store that had several Love Sacs. While Yoshiko was getting her license, Ren and I had lots of fun playing "launch Ren on to the Love Sac" and "jump on papa who's laying on the Love Sac." Ren really likes to wrestle. I think he likes to fly through the air too. Come to think of it, Ren has always liked flying through the air. Every chance he gets, he's jumping off of something. Crazy kid; if he wasn't born in the year of the rooster, you'd think he was a monkey lol. Here is a couple pics I snapped of him at Walmart. He was spinning in the first pic--hence the blurriness, and isn't the second pic so true!!

Tuesday night, I left work a little early because I knew that Yoshiko would need some help finishing packing. I kind of wanted her to sleep a little before she and Ren left, but I also knew she never would. I got home and first thing I did was weigh a box and put it in the car. Then I took Ren for a ride in my car as I had promised him earlier that day (after Walmart and AAA, he wanted to ride with me in my car but I didn't have my car seat in there, so I promised I'd take him for a ride later). When we got back, I wrestled with Ren only taking breaks when Yoshiko would call me to weigh suitcases and boxes. When Yoshiko started looking almost done with packing, I bathed Ren and fell asleep with him while reading the most interesting book about monkeys.

Yoshiko woke me up about 4:30 a.m. and she and I spent a little time together before we had to get up and take off for the airport. That morning, the drive to SLC was insane! I couldn't believe how many cars are on the road at 6 a.m. Even with the traffic, we made it to the airport in good time. Funny thing about airport carts is that they actually roll. After loading all the luggage onto a cart, both Yoshiko and I were grabbing other things from the car and the next thing I know, there was a huge thump. I looked back to see the cart against the car and one of the boxes on the trunk with all of its contents spilled out everywhere. After cleaning that up, we both had to laugh at the now mangled radio antenna. I bent it back to place and went to find a parking spot. After loving kisses, strong hugs, and sad good-byes; I got to watch my wife and son disappear into the mess of metal detectors, x-ray machines, and people asking you to take off your shoes and belts. After I had got back to the car and was on my way back to Orem, Yoshiko sent me a picture of her and Ren after they had just got on the plane. Ren looks super tired.

I ended up getting home before 9 a.m. and was already bored. I decided to put on my grubbies and do the men's equivalent of shopping therapy--junk yard therapy. There were several parts I needed for my car, and since I now had spare time (being Spring Break and all), I went to two yards. At the first yard, I got a set of the door window outer seals and pulled a downpipe to use for my upcoming turbo project. I also looked for a certain set of headlights with no luck. The second yard I went to was in SLC. I still didn't find that certain set of headlights, but I did find a new steering wheel. Only $10, and I figure that since my airbag doesn't work anyway, might as well get a cool Isuzu wheel with no bag (with a bag, it would be about $65 or more).

After I got home, I changed the outer window seals and started taking apart my steering wheel to take it off. The bad thing is that it doesn't want to come off. I'll figure that one out later.

So, I put the steering wheel back together and left for work. And now, it's time to leave for work again.


Ren--already ready for spring training--and the future of arashi

Howdy all, I know it's been forever, but that forever has not been wasted. I just noticed the other day that Kirk has taken me off his "Bloggin' Buddies" list. Ouch. On top of that, my parents finally got access to the internet, and they've been on my case about updating my site. My parents finally get interent, and the first thing they tell me is I need to update my site more, wtf? Well, I guess I should update more, eh?

So, a couple weeks ago, Yoshiko, Ren, and I were in Park City at the outlet shopping center making the rounds (no pun intended--you've had to have gone there to understand) and while we were in the Nike store, Ren comes up to me with this
It was one of the funniest things ever. I guess I have to teach Ren baseball now. My dad would be so proud! I actually love baseball, almost as much as I love soccer.
Ren is getting so big! I look at older pics that I have, and I cannot believe how much he has grown. A few weeks ago, we were up at a good friend's house in Fruit Heights, and while Yoshiko and Yuriko were talking, Yuri's husband and I taught Ren how to play Super Mario Bros. and Duck Hunt--talk about retro. The greatest, and probably one of the funniest, thing was when Ren almost got to the end of the first level on Mario. Not even 3 and can almost beat Mario! Sheesh, I was almost 6 or 7, albeit that's when it came out. I don't have a pic of him playing Mario, but here's Duck Hunt.

Just as an added bonus, I'm going to post a pic of Yoshiko and Ren. Tons of people tell me that Ren looks just like me, I think he looks more like his mom. Maybe he looks like an Asian version of me... Nah! This pic was taken a couple days after the last time I posted. Right now, Ren's hair is quite a bit longer. People started calling him a girl again. I think he needs a haircut (lol).

Well, as of next Wednesday, I am officially a semi-bachelor again. My wife and son are leaving me to go visit the country of short people, neon lights, cool cars, onsens, and good food. I have to stay here for the 4 weeks they're gone. I think I am going to go nuts. Maybe. I guess I still have school. Maybe I'll actually get some of my turbo project done while she's gone. Here's a couple pics of what will be going on my car:

I have already hooked up the turbo timer. Right now, it's only just a glorified volt meter. It's actually a bit of a weird feeling to walk away from your car with it still running. Here's a pic of the inside at night with all the gauges on (the orange light on the right of the steering wheel is the timer):

As for this blog, I'll do my best to try to think about posting. After Yoshiko and Ren leave, I'll really have nothing to post. Maybe I will. We'll see if I can actually catch up on all my school work and have time to start blogging again.

KIRK, you should add me to your bloggin buddies again ;). Oh, and next time you decide to grace Utah with your presence, make sure to call me back when I return your call.


The evolved UVU

Today, UVSC unveiled the evolved logos for when it becomes Utah Valley University (UVU) next July. This event was quite the affair. As you walked into the Grande Ballroom, there were culinary students giving out "home-made" pizza and cafeteria workers pouring the punch. President Sederburg was the first speaker that I saw. He talked about how the school needed a new image for the new status. Next speaker was the person in charge of the committee that created the logos. After listening to him speak, I knew why people who are good at that particular job make lots of money. The first pic is the new logo for the new UVU. The first U is shaped in such to have the state of Utah inside it.

This next pic is the new logo that will be on sports uniforms.

The last logo is the new version of the long-lasting mascot of the soon-to-be UVU, the wolverine. The old logo was move of a 2-D design, and the new logo is more 3-D.I left this little shindig after the guy showed about 90 different variations of the logos that will be used for different applications. I like them. It's nice to be at the school during this progressive time. That, and I can say I graduated from an actual university!


Once again: long time, no post!

I know there are a ton of people who frequent my blogpage, and ya'll have been patiently waiting for my next post. Well, herer it is!

Right now, I'm at XanGo (where I always am when I post) waiting for calls. It's the day before Thanksgiving and I think the Americans have given up calling. It seems that the only calls I've taken today are from Canadians.

I'm so happy that it's turkey day! I had no school today and work is easy. Also got some problems with our piano financing fixed so they show that we have actually paid off the piano (that's a story for another day). The only thing that could make this upcomming weekend better would be to not have any homework. I really only have homework in a couple classes, but unfortunately, my parents do not have internet and I have no way to do my research for my papers that are due next Monday. My friend suggested that I drive around town and find people who have wi-fi and have no password to connect. I guess it could work.

I do however feel proud for making my first ever database using Microsoft Access. That is a beast of a program to use. Now that I know how, I may actually use it someday.

I know this is a bunch of randomness, but when you haven't written in months, and you want to give anxious readers a piece of your life, well that's about it. The family is doing great. Yoshiko is awaiting her Green Card and Ren is making messes around the house. At least he shows some interest in cleaning them back up.

Well, it looks like it's time to get ready to leave. Yay! Go home, go to bed, wake up and go eat lots and lots and lots of turkey! Totally my favorite holiday! Till the next post...


The Last Two Months (v 1.0)

Howdy all. I guess I'm an evil person for not blogging for the last two months. I know the whole 3-4 of you that read my site are disappointed ;). In fact, Erin was giving me a hard time two weeks ago. She even remembered the date of my last post. Funny thing was that I didn't. If I had waited another five days, I could have had an entire two months between posts. Wow!! I highly doubt that this post will be all that long because I am at work and need to get a ride home with someone else. My car is sitting in the covered parking here at XanGo dead. Dead as a doornail. What is a doornail anyway? Why are doornails dead?

Basically all I'll say about the last two months right now is that they have been more busy than I would personally like to be. But what can I do? I love my majors and want to finish them both. At least it looks like my dream of doing an internship with XanGo's Tokyo office is going to be a reality!! And hopefully by then, all my schooling will have been worth it.



Kirk used to send these to me all the time and I'm not sure if I ever sent him one back. Sorry Kirk.

Places I've worked: (too many)
1. XanGo, LLC--there now and still kickin'
2. Synergy Worldwide
3. ICE International--interpreting for Japanese mechanics
4. Carl's Jr.
5. Discovery Research
6. Single Stop
7. Cyprus Coalmine (both)--rip
8. Feature Films For Families
9. Aunt De--same as Erin
10. Prolly about 15 other odds and end jobs to get by between these other jobs

Movies I can watch over and over:
1. Johnny Dangerously
2. Hero
3. Starwars--all
4. Yomigaeri
5. Anything by Adam Sandler
6. Anything by Jackie Chan
7. Most of the old Disney musicals

Places I've lived:
1. Orem, UT
2. Provo, UT
3. Osaka, Japan
4. Wellington, UT

Favorite TV shows:
1. Simpsons
2. CSI-Miami
3. Naruto
4. Sesame Street (I have Ren addicted now)

Places I've been:
1. Alberta, Canada
2. Southern Japan with Yoshiko
3. Outer Banks, NC
4. SoCal

Favorite Foods:
1. Steak
2. Tonkatsu
3. Kimchi
4. Gyoza
5. Korokke
6. Mom's Lasagna

Majors I've considered:
1. Computer Engineering
2. Accounting
3. Japanese
4. Psychology

Places I'd rather be:
1. Japan
2. China
3. A beautiful tropical island (doesn't matter which one)
4. Home (I'm at work)

Weird things about me:
1. I like to smell my dirty socks
2. I can bend my thumb backward (comes in handy when playing the bassoon)

3. I have a morbid fear of spiders
4. I can't open my eyes under water

Friends I'd like to Tag
1. Kirk
2. Tim
3. Yoshiko
4. Matt



I was testing out the camera on my phone and I caught this nice little pic of the wife and son watching Playhouse Disney. I think "Handy Manny" was on. Totally a good morning.

Piano Maheym!

Well, in the month that we have owned a piano, we have had two in our home. On the first piano, the lid that covers the keys completely warped on one side. The keys on the right side could be seen. We asked for a replacement. The replacement piano's color is a little lighter. Not too much of a problem to me (Yoshiko doesn't like it). Anyway, the second piano has some major dings and gashes in it. Guess what?! We get another piano this week!!! Three pianos in a month and a half. That's sad. Anyway, the salesman who helped us said he would go to their warehouse and hand pick a new piano for us. Let's cross our fingers and knock on wood that the piano is mostly perfect.

New Phone

Ok, so I found out a couple weeks ago that Verizon changed they way they do things, and so now instead of being able to do my "New Every Two" in September, I can do it this month--a whopping two months earlier than the two months early in September (I renewed in Nov of '05). Well, the mum-in-law needed a phone and all our old phones were basically dead. The phone I have been wanting for a while was only $30 after all my credits. I was even able to change my plan so I have more minutes for the same price as I'm paying now. Nice, eh? The phone I purchased is the dual flipping Samsung. Flip it open one way, and you have your phone. Flip it open another way, and you have your text messaging querty keyboard. It's perfect. I type messages to people about 5x faster. I highly recommend this phone.

Pretty Pic of Granny

I took this pic outside of SLC International Airport at the pick-up area while I was waiting for Yoshiko, her mom, and Ren to come out of the terminal. Granny had just had a bath, so I took this artsy pic and I thought I'd share it with you.