
Ren--already ready for spring training--and the future of arashi

Howdy all, I know it's been forever, but that forever has not been wasted. I just noticed the other day that Kirk has taken me off his "Bloggin' Buddies" list. Ouch. On top of that, my parents finally got access to the internet, and they've been on my case about updating my site. My parents finally get interent, and the first thing they tell me is I need to update my site more, wtf? Well, I guess I should update more, eh?

So, a couple weeks ago, Yoshiko, Ren, and I were in Park City at the outlet shopping center making the rounds (no pun intended--you've had to have gone there to understand) and while we were in the Nike store, Ren comes up to me with this
It was one of the funniest things ever. I guess I have to teach Ren baseball now. My dad would be so proud! I actually love baseball, almost as much as I love soccer.
Ren is getting so big! I look at older pics that I have, and I cannot believe how much he has grown. A few weeks ago, we were up at a good friend's house in Fruit Heights, and while Yoshiko and Yuriko were talking, Yuri's husband and I taught Ren how to play Super Mario Bros. and Duck Hunt--talk about retro. The greatest, and probably one of the funniest, thing was when Ren almost got to the end of the first level on Mario. Not even 3 and can almost beat Mario! Sheesh, I was almost 6 or 7, albeit that's when it came out. I don't have a pic of him playing Mario, but here's Duck Hunt.

Just as an added bonus, I'm going to post a pic of Yoshiko and Ren. Tons of people tell me that Ren looks just like me, I think he looks more like his mom. Maybe he looks like an Asian version of me... Nah! This pic was taken a couple days after the last time I posted. Right now, Ren's hair is quite a bit longer. People started calling him a girl again. I think he needs a haircut (lol).

Well, as of next Wednesday, I am officially a semi-bachelor again. My wife and son are leaving me to go visit the country of short people, neon lights, cool cars, onsens, and good food. I have to stay here for the 4 weeks they're gone. I think I am going to go nuts. Maybe. I guess I still have school. Maybe I'll actually get some of my turbo project done while she's gone. Here's a couple pics of what will be going on my car:

I have already hooked up the turbo timer. Right now, it's only just a glorified volt meter. It's actually a bit of a weird feeling to walk away from your car with it still running. Here's a pic of the inside at night with all the gauges on (the orange light on the right of the steering wheel is the timer):

As for this blog, I'll do my best to try to think about posting. After Yoshiko and Ren leave, I'll really have nothing to post. Maybe I will. We'll see if I can actually catch up on all my school work and have time to start blogging again.

KIRK, you should add me to your bloggin buddies again ;). Oh, and next time you decide to grace Utah with your presence, make sure to call me back when I return your call.


Kaakun said...

yeah... well you have to actually blog... to be a bloggin buddy.

none of this once a quarter stuff.

we'll see. you're on the links anyways. its like Bloggin Buddy AAA.

The Sanderson Fam said...

Face, what does the wtf mean? if it's what I think (okay know)it means you're in big trouble mister! Watch the mouth, or keyboard...whatever!! LOL