
Memorial Day 2007

My family has a little different Memorial Day tradition than most families now-a-day. We actually use Memorial Day for what it was meant for: honoring those lost in war and loved ones who have passed on. Just driving around Utah, I put over 400 miles on my car just going to cemeteries. This year we only were able to go to 3 places because my sister had her baby, and we wanted to go visit her. Two of my aunts finished the day and went to the last two cemeteries.
**warning** To create a more Memorial Day effect, I took most pics with sepia. If you don't like sepia, don't look.

The day started in Wellington, my home town.

After that, we go to the Price city cemetery

Then we pick up KFC and drive down to central Emery County to Ferron

After this, we go and have lunch and take a play break at the Ferron City park

Here's me taking a little time to start teaching the little guy to bat. He's doing pretty good for a 2yr old.

Here's a good pic of the family sitting on the Zwahlen Bench. It was named after my uncle's family.
Normally after Ferron, we go to two more cemeteries (Cleveland and Victor) as a family. After we get back, I go back to Price and visit the graves of two friends that were killed in car accidents while I was living in Japan. This year, I opted to skip the last three and drive back home to Orem and go up to Salt Lake to see my sister's new baby, Payton. Toward the end of the canyon, there was a 10 mile backup from where the road goes to one lane. In the below pic, look at all the trucks with boats and campers. People wonder why gas prices go up so high on Memorial Day weekend, it's because people go play instead of visiting the graves of their loved ones.

After this, we got to see the cute little baby Payton. As an added bonus for this blog, I'm adding a pic of the Grand Am in neg art. Cool, eh?

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