
Double Birthday Bash!!! Happy Birthday Yoshiko and Ren

So, where does a person who is married to a Japanese woman take her for lunch/dinner on her birthday? A Brazilian restaurant.

Basically, each year on Yoshiko and Ren's birthday (same day), my birthday, and other super special occasions, we go to Tucanos--a Brazilian restaurant in Provo. I fell in love with Brazilian restaurants the first time I was in Japan at a place in Osaka called Titicaca. I introduced Yoshiko to Brazilian restaurants at that same place in Osaka the first time I went back with her. After that she was hooked.

This time at Tucanos, we told our waitress (not a server, because those are the guys that come around with the meat) that this was an uber special occasion because it was Yoshiko's birthday, but it was also Ren's second birthday as well. She looked appalled as if I was lying to her. Not like it mattered, Ren's food is free anyway. Ren was pretty happy when the servers came out and tried to sing "Happy Birthday" in Portuguese to him and Yoshiko. He totally got into the beat of the drum.

Vegans Beware!!! Tucanos is not for the vegetarian or vegan by any means.

At Tucanos, the servers bring the meat to your table. You use a pair of tongs to pull the meat they cut off and put it on your plate. Meat ranges to different types of marinaded beef to chicken, pork, and bacon-wrapped turkey. At only $11.95 for lunch, we definitely eat our share of meat for the price.

It is so much fun to tell people that my first-born son was born on his mama's birthday. It really throws people off. Yoshiko still blames me for it, too. All-in-all, it was a good birthday lunch for the two of them. The real birthday party for the two of them will be this weekend while we are at my parents' house for Memorial Day.

Below are some pics from the festive occasion. First is birthday-boy Ren, then birthday-mama Yoshiko, me, then a pic of Ren looking through the holes of his chair--he's so silly!!

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